Daddy's blog for Maddy

This is a special blog for my daughter Maddy. Please do enjoy along with us.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The 4th of July Adventures on Treasure Island

I had been thinking of what to do for the 4th of July for a couple of days when my brother Leland said he wanted to go to San Francisco and see Superman Returns on the IMAX. So now I had the place, now where in San Francisco? I pulled up Google Maps and started looking at where the fireworks might be and the best viewing locations.

Looking at the map I figured three spots would be pretty good if we got there early. I’ve never seen fireworks in San Francisco so I wasn’t too sure how crowded it would get. Most 4th are crazy with people stopping and parking anywhere and creating this huge mess.

One place that looked good was the more obvious of first choices was the golden gate bridge. I could imagine that it would be a hell there plus we wanted to hit the movies right after. The next idea was at pier 39 but if you’ve ever been there the traffic could be real crazy. I also wanted a great location for photography and this wouldn’t work. Finally studying the map Treasure Island looked like a great place for both seeing the fireworks and maybe other photographic opportunities.

Turns out Treasure Island is just 15 minutes from the movies theaters just across the Bay Bridge. We arrived in San Francisco around 4:30pm and were on the island in no time.

It was a wonderful day. The sky was clear blue. Having lots of time before the fireworks started we explored Treasure Island.

When you arrive on Treasure Island the first things you notice are the fantastic views of the San Francisco cityscape, the Bay Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz Island. There are other things to find when you start to look around. On the other side were a harbor and a small beach. So Leland and I headed there first.

From this view point you can see the other side of the Bay Bridge. There was some construction going on. The harbor had lots of boats. The gem turned out to be this small beach. It was empty. I was thinking that most people visit, see the views of the city and bridges but never look behind them to see these other great spots.

From the beach we found some old stair going up. I took the chance to have some fun with pictures.

At the top of the stairs you could see boats in the bay through the trees.

After walking on the beach we headed up to the top of the island. On this side there were public houses and apartments. Each home had a wonderful view. The only thing I could think of that may be a little bad would be the sounds of traffic from the Bay Bridge just a stones throw away. Walking along trails we found some great pictures of the Bay Bridge.

Along the way we found the Treasure Island Police building. Here there are several statues. The building has that nautical feeling to it. There was no one home.

Across from the police station there were many palm trees and a wonderful view.

The main flat area of Treasure Island is military base or what was a military base, I’m not sure. We still had lots of time so Leland and I headed to the other side of the island. There is a great bike trail that circles the whole military part of the island. This would be a great place to come and ride.

On this end of the island Leland and I posed for some pictures with the Bay Bridge and San Francisco cityscape behind us. There were also some sail boats and pelicans diving for food into the bay.

It was soon Twilight.

There was a nice sunset just before it started to get dark.

We walked back and the fireworks soon started. The fireworks display was just over the Golden Gate Bridge. They had duel displays almost firing off together.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Dear Maddy,

I hope you are have a good time. Below are some picture form the 4th of July Leland and I spent on Treasure Island. Remember going to San Francisco well just across the Bay Bridge there is a palce called Treasure Island. It is part park, part housing and part military base.

Behind me is the Bay Bridge. From here we are about 15 minutes from downtown San Francisco.

The sun is about to set. You can see the sunlight on one side of my face. The sun is shining orangish red because it is getting close to the horizion.

The regual pictures jjust sitting and posing don't look fun. So I started jumping and kicking. Here you can see I jumping pretty good.

The Bay Bridge and San Francisco city scape look very small behind me. It looks like I'm againt monster about to crush the tiny buildings.

I got some good jumps in before the fireworks started.

I hope you have enjoyed these funny pictures.


Friday, June 30, 2006

Adventure’s in San Francisco with Leland and Daddy

Hello Maddy,

Well this weekend Leland and I decided to go to San Francisco for an adventure. It turned out to be quite an adventure as you will see. We drove in my shiny red car to the BART station in South San Francisco where we jumped onto a train to the city.

When we got to the downtown area we looked for a Starbucks to have a coffee. Turns out there are Starbucks on every corner. Inside as I got in line to order a coffee, Leland played with his Nintendo DS. Yes, it’s just like the one you have. When he heard that I had bought a Nintendo DS for you, well you know Leland he had to get one too. He even used his own money that he gets from his job at Arby’s. He was jealous and also bought a Super Mario Bros just like you’re too.

Having walked a bit of a distance we found the tunnel that leads to Chinatown. Leland was already complaining about starving, so I told him we would get some Chinese food.

Inside Chinatown just about every other place is a Chinese food place. I had no idea where to eat. I figured there were two choices one would be great Chinese food or something that would make us sick to our stomachs. After a while of walking and Leland complaining we stumbled into a Chinese lady touting the greatness of the food just inside and up the stair to the restaurant. I decided to take a chance.

The food was great. These Chinese people would roll up a cart of food and we could choose from many different dishes. Taking care to control the amount of food as to not over eat and bust my budget. We did well just fine.

Leaving the restaurant I found this statue of some monkeys sitting on a bench. Well I had to take some pictures.

From Chinatown we jumped onto a bus and headed to Golden Gate Park. It was fun there. There lot s of statues to take pictures with. There were these two guys looking up and lion with a human head.

At the park we wanted to go to the Japanese Tea Gardens. When we arrived I had no cash on me only my credit cards. I remembered that the last hour you could get in free. So we waited and at 4 o’clock the doors open for all those cheapskates like Leland and I to enjoy the last hour. You bet I got my money’s worth. I shoot a ton of pictures. It’s really silly because the best times to take pictures are early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

Inside Leland and I shoot some crazy pictures. Here you can see me jumping in the air in front of a Pagoda.

I took some more pictures of the lions with human head. Leland made his way into one of them. Good job Leland.

We jumped onto a bus once again and once again Leland was complaining about the pain in his stomach as if he were dying from lack of food. I told him to chill out we’ll get some food later. Later turned into later and later.

Soon I was hungry too so we found another place to eat. After eating we left on the BART and headed home.

I hope you have enjoyed our little adventure.

I love you Maddy,
